Webinar: International student movements against genocide in Palestine

Webinar at UTC (GMT) 15:00 on Saturday, 2 November 2024. Register.
The Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people of the last year, representing just the latest chapter in decades of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and displacement, has resulted in a dramatic expansion in the world-wide movement in support of Palestinian liberation. This movement has been overwhelmingly led by students, who have fought to expose the Zionist project as a key component of Western imperialism and to end the flow of weapons and funding from the governments and institutions that enable this project.
In this webinar we will bring together Palestine-solidarity student activists from three continents to share their experiences. We will be discussing how mainstream science, engineering, and medicine are complicit in the ongoing genocide, and the efforts of students and workers in these fields to expose and combat Zionism in the academy.
- Antonio Corlianò, Cambiare Rotta, Italy.
- Mars Sarao, Secretary General, Agham Youth, Philippines.
- Morgen A. Chalmiers, MD/PhD Candidate, Medical Anthropology, UC San Diego.
- Umaymah Mohammad, MD/PhD Candidate, Sociology, Emory University.
Moderated by Manabendra Nath Bera and Flavio Del Santo.
The webinar livestreamed on 2 November 2024.
Incidentally 2 November was the 107th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, a critical document that ultimately led to the Zionist Genocide of Palestine.
Watch the full video on YouTube or segments:

Register for the webinar here.
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